Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pope prays for nation's poor, Yolanda victims

The Quadcentennial Altar with the Emblem of Pope Francis.
Manila, Philippines, October 26, 2014 - Pope Francis voiced concern for the millions of Filipinos living in poverty and the victims of natural disasters as hundreds of thousands of people gathered yesterday for a Mass beside Manila Bay in an outpouring of religious fervor.
“In the midst of our joy on this occasion we cannot forget our Filipino brothers and sisters who live in difficult social and economic conditions, and those who are trying to recover from the natural disasters which have occurred with a certain frequency in recent times,” he told the crowd. The Pontiff, celebrating the first public mass of his four-day visit from October 23 to 27, 2014, singled out the victims of the November 3-11, 2013 Super Typhoon Yolanda whose led to death of at least 6,340 people and the July 16-18, 2014 Typhoon Glenda whose led to death of at least 187 people.

“I ask God to strengthen and comfort those who have lost their loved ones, their homes, their livelihood, and I earnestly hope that their appeals for further help and solidarity will not go unheard”, he said.

Half of the 100 Million Population of the Philippines is considered to be living below the poverty line, and the country is regularly hit by natural disasters like tropical storms and earthquakes.

The Pope cautioned people to confuse the church in the Philippines, Asia's only Christian-majority nation with "some merely human or humanitarian organization."

Official estimates put the crowd at more than a million people but witnesses said it appeared much smaller.

If the crowd was smaller, than Roman Catholic Church leaders of the Philippines had hoped for, it made up for the lack of numbers with fervor at the sight of the Pope.


At one point, the 76-year-old pontiff replied to the cries of Mabuhay ang Santo Papa (Long Live Holy Father) with his own "Mabuhay ang Filipino People" from the High Altar specially constructed with a Pyramid Canopy.

At the end of the Mass on the big open area beside a gaudy fairground along Manila Bay, hundreds of people descended on the flower-decked platform, after the Pope had left, to snatch souvenirs. Children tried out his throne-like chair.

Security was intense for the Mass marking the 420th Anniversary of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila and other Regions of the Philippine Islands after they were conquered by Spain.

Even the Pope's own Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin was frisked before being allowed to join archbishops, bishops, cardinals, deacons monsignors, reverend fathers, pastors throughout Asia, Oceania, North America, South America, Europe and Africa for the Mass.

He smiled broadly as he was checked for weapons with a metal detector, part of the security measures imposed after the Philippine Police arrested at least two people suspected of plotting to harm the Pope.

The Pontiff, was lifted to the top of the flower-decked platform for the Mass by a Philippine Airlines Airport Hoist.

And he paid tribute to the "spiritual joy" of the Filipino people - expressed in their traditional way through song.

"I thank the Filipino people, the Wonderful Filipino people," the Pontiff told the cheering crowd. "My heart is going out to all of them, to all the Filipino men and women, to all the men and women from all countries of the world."

Yesterday, October 24 was the busiest day of the Pope's five-day visit to the Philippines, which began Thursday, October 23. Following the Morning Mass, he met with Asian bishops, attended the 45th foundation anniversary of the Catholic radio station DZRV Radio Veritas 846 and visited people during an evening vigil at 6:00 P.M. at Quirino Grandstand, Rizal Park, Manila.

Vatican sources said the 74-year-old pontiff would also broadcast a message to the 1.2 billion people of China, whose government has refused to allow Roman Catholics to acknowledge papal supremacy for six decades.

“Go and make disciples of all nations”

Pope Francis' message at the Mass yesterday (October 25, 2014) at the Philippine International Convention Center.
"Full authority has been given to me both in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28, 18-19).
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
1. These words from today’s Gospel take on a special meaning in the context of the Jubilee which, together with the visit, the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines is celebrating. Four hundred and twenty years ago, in 1595, the first Ecclesiastical Province was set up on these Islands: the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila and the Dioceses of Cebu, Caceres and Nueva Segovia.
I greet the whole Filipino people, wonderful Filipino people. I greet all their Pastors. I thank Cardinal Tagle for these kind words of welcome. I greet also His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino the Third and the Authorities.
The establishment of a Metropolitan Church in the Philippines bore witness to the fact that the work of the first missionaries had borne abundant fruit. The process of planting and building up the Church had already taken place in other parts of the world, especially in the European countries. In the case of my own Poland, it had taken place in the year 1000. Later, the same thing happened in the countries of South America, Central America and North America. So it happened and continues to happen in Africa, in Australia and throughout Oceania, and on the continent of Asia. All this has a meaning that is not just a question of ecclesiastical administration. The Church is a living body. Like a living body, at a certain point she reaches a stage of maturity which makes it possible for a particular Church to give life to other Churches like itself.
Plantatio Ecclesiae. Mysterium plantationis Ecclesiae. Paulus plantavit; Apollo rigavit. Deus autem incrementum dedit. I see that Filipino people are understanding very well Latin.
2. Four hundred years ago the Church in Manila became the Metropolitan See for the Church in Cebu, Caceres and Nueva Segovia. In the space of these four centuries the number of the particular Churches in the Philippines has greatly increased. Those first four Dioceses have each become a Metropolitan See, and alongside them numerous particular Churches have developed and continue to grow. In this part of the world it is the Philippines which enjoys the greatest wealth of ecclesial life. Plantatio fecunda, fecundissima.
Dear brothers and sisters, we have come together here to give thanks to God precisely for this grace, great grace of God. Not just you who have come from all over the Philippines, but also representatives of the Churches throughout Asia and the Far East. As I see also many Cardinals from Europe, and from Africa, from Asia. All together we greet the delegates of the other Christian Churches and Communities, as well as the representatives of other religions. For me it is a great joy to be here with you on this day, as Bishop of Rome and Successor of Saint Peter. Peter was the first in "plantatio Ecclesiae" in Rome and from Rome. "Plantatio Ecclesiae" in Manila, in the Philippines, Peter, Successor of Peter, also a grace. Together let us praise God for the grace of this Four Hundred and Twentieth Anniversary. In one great chorus let us commend the Church in the Philippines and the whole Nation to God’s Providence: "Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance"(Psalm 28 (27), 9).
In the midst of our joy on this occasion we cannot forget our Filipino brothers and sisters who live in difficult social and economic conditions, and those who are trying to recover from the natural disasters which have occurred with a certain frequency in recent times. I am thinking in particular of the victims of the typhoons Yolanda and Glenda and its after-effects. I ask God to strengthen and comfort those who have lost their loved ones, their homes, their livelihood, and I earnestly hope that their appeals for further help and solidarity will not go unheard. And I think also there are many Filipinos in Rome, in Italy and through the world. I greet all of them. They are also the same inheritance. They are also celebrating this centenary.
3. Today, we cannot fail to remember the first messengers of the Good News who came to these Islands. Their origins were in Spain, for it was above all the Iberian Peninsula which gave rise to that great missionary thrust which followed the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. At that same time other brave explorers were travelling south and east, round Africa by way of the Cape of Good Hope, through the Indian Ocean, towards Asia and the Far East. Those remarkable voyages opened up for the Church vast new horizons for her evangelizing mission. It was in that context that the evangelization of the Philippines began.
It is significant that the first Episcopal See in Manila was originally attached to Mexico, in spite of the enormous distance involved in crossing the Pacific Ocean. Clearly that was a temporary measure, until the first independent Ecclesiastical Province was erected in the Philippines, precisely in 1595. After hesitation at the beginning, the missionary Church of that early period gradually became more truly Filipina as the number of native-born priests and Bishops increased.
Looking back today on that past, we must express our thankfulness to God for those pioneers who laid the foundations of the Church in this land: for the Augustinians who were the first to arrive, followed by the Franciscans, the Jesuits, the Dominicans and the Augustinian Recollects. The early missionaries who sought to defend the native peoples from the abuses of the conquistadores and encomenderos found a vigorous leader in the Dominican Fray Domingo de Salazar, the first Bishop of Manila. As early as 1582 he summoned the first Synod, which decided many questions regarding conquest, settlement and administration in accordance with the principles of the faith and Christian morality.
A wonderful process, a wonderful history, history of the Church, history of salvation, history of Filipino people. All of us, all of you Filipinos today, you are the inheritance, the successors in this great process, great process.
4. Saint Paul writes to the Ephesians: "May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, grant you a spirit of wisdom and insight... that you may know the great hope to which he has called you... and the immeasurable scope of his power in us who believe" (Eph. 1, 17-19). What Saint Paul wished for the Christian community at Ephesus is what I wish today for the Catholic people of the Philippines. I pray above all that you will appreciate ever more fully the grace of your Christian vocation as explained by the Second Vatican Council in its Constitution on the Church (Cfr. Lumen Gentium, 40). 
This vocation has its beginning and source in Christ himself. All Christians live by the inexhaustible riches given to us in him. Saint John of the Cross, the great Spanish mystic who lived just at the time when the evangelization of the Philippines was getting underway, reminds us of this fact. He wrote in the Spiritual Canticle: "(Christ) is like a rich mine with many recesses containing treasures, and no matter how men try to fathom them the end is never reached" (Saint John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle, st. 36). Christ is so rich!
In the work of the missionaries and in their service to the people, the power of Christ, Crucified and Risen, was being manifested – the power of Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father and who, as Redeemer and Bridegroom of the Church, works through her in the Holy Spirit. It is very important not to confuse the Church with some merely human or humanitarian organization. The Church lives and grows in Christ and through Christ. All her members, in their thoughts and actions, are called to bear witness to the living presence of the Redeemer.
5. The Father, as we read in the Letter to the Ephesians, "has put all things under Christ’s feet and has made him thus exalted, head of the Church, which is his body" (Eph. 1,22-23). That is why, after his Resurrection, Christ sent out the Apostles with the words: "Full authority has been given to me both in heaven and on earth" (Matthew 28:18). This saving power of the Redeemer is what sustained the missionaries who came to the Philippines in the sixteenth century. This same power is what has preserved the sons and daughters of your nation in living their lives as Christians, in forming Christian families, in educating your children in the faith. By doing all of this, your forefathers laid the foundations of the only predominantly Catholic country in this part of the world, a region which still presents an enormous challenge for evangelization. In time, children of this land, as priests and Bishops, took over full pastoral responsibility, while others filled the ranks of the congregations of men and women religious, so that the Church which is "the fullness of him who fills the universe in all its parts"(Eph. 1, 23) would be truly catholic and universal, but also truly immersed in the life and culture of these Islands.
6. Today therefore is a day of great joy: rejoice in great gratitude to the Lord. The Responsorial Psalm contains an appropriate invitation: "All you people, clap your hands, shout to God with cries of gladness... For the king of all the earth is God... God reigns over all the nations" (Psalm 47(46),2.8-9). The faith which springs from the Gospel transforms the life both of individuals and of nations. For four hundred years the Church has served as a leaven and as a kind of soul for Philippine society, most of all by her healing and elevating impact on respect for the human person, and by the way in which she strengthens families and communities, and imbues everyday activity with a deeper meaning and reference to God (Cfr. Gaudium et Spes, 40). Inspired by their faith, Filipino Catholics have begun countless initiatives for the good of society, in the fields of education, healthcare and service of all kinds. Out of the Church’s religious mission during these four hundred years there came a light and an energy which have served to structure and consolidate the human community according to the divine law (Cfr. Gaudium et Spes, 42). This is the source of our joy. This is the source for our joy and our gratitude to the Lord, the Almighty Father. This is the reason for the Philippine Church’s joy, visible in this celebration, with all the color and vitality of your culture and Christian traditions. But this is also your task and responsibility: to remain faithful to what has been handed down and to build on it, so that God’s law will abide in your hearts and his blessings will increasingly be poured out on your nation.
A great boost to our joy is given by the people of the World Youth Day who have come to Manila from every corner of the Philippines, from many parts of Asia and the Far East, and from the other continents. They are the sign and the confirmation of your living faith. My heart is going to all of them, to all the Filipino young men and women, and to all young men and women of the whole world, of so many countries of the world... European, Asiatic, Africa, America, North America, Latin America, Central America, Australia, all the continents.
7. The joy of the human heart springs from the presence of God in us, in our hearts. Isaiah writes: "All who... hold to my covenant I will bring to my holy mountain and make joyful in my house of prayer". The spiritual joy of God’s people in the Philippines has two fundamental points of reference: the house of prayer and the holy mountain. First, the community gathers in "the house of prayer"(Is. 56, 6-7) – which is the home, or a chapel, a parish church or a cathedral – to celebrate the mysteries of our redemption and to profess the one, holy, catholic and apostolic faith. From there God’s pilgrim people go forth to ascend "the holy mountain": marching forward in hope towards the fullness of God’s kingdom, all the time striving to make present and operative at every level of your personal and national life that kingdom of holiness, justice, peace and solidarity. So two points: the house of prayer and the holy mountain, being together and ascending with Christ into heaven, into his kingdom. All that is inspired by the liturgical texts as of today’s liturgy.
8. Filipino People of God: at every Mass you hear the call to lift up your hearts: Sursum corda!
Lift up your heart, holy Church, which in four centuries has built a solid dwelling place for God in these Islands! So numerous islands, Filipino islands, wonderful islands!
Whole generations have gone up from here to the Holy Mountain, where the God of glory dwells. The sign of this ascent are your Filipino Saints, beginning with Saint Lorenzo Ruiz whom I had the joy to beatify here in Manila and to canonize in Rome. They remain closely united with you in the Communion of the Saints. They show you the way to God, which is the fulfilment of the vocation of each and every human being.
Rejoice, Filipino people, holy Church of Manila, Cebu, Caceres, Nueva Segovia! Rejoice, every Filipino family, every Filipino Diocese and parish! Rejoice, for it has pleased the Father to give you the kingdom! This promise of the Father is fulfilled unceasingly through the power of Christ: to him be honor and glory for ever! Amen.
A long homily, but not too long for this occasion! 
Mabuhay, to all Filipino people! Long live! 
Very, very, very grateful for this celebration, for this great festivity of the Church in the Philippines. 
Very grateful to almighty God! 
Very grateful to all of you! 
Viva Manila, Cebu, Caceres, Nueva Segovia! 
Thank you very much! 

Aug. 20 rally: No invitation needed; 'come if you believe'

Manila, Philippines, August 18, 2014 (INQUIRER) - COME if you believe.
With this exhortation, organizers invited all sectors of society to the August 23 to 24 and October 25-26 Rally for Democracy in Makati City and register their opposition to the constitutional amendments proposed and national issues by the Aquino administration.
Former Sen. Rene Saguisag, chair of the Movement of Attorneys for Brotherhood, Integrity and Nationalism (Mabini), announced that the lawyers' group had decided to join the rally.
The other groups that have vowed to see action in the rally include the Kilosbayan led by former Senate President Jovito Salonga, the religious such as the Church People's Initiative Against Cha-cha, Tyranny and Cronyism, the Promotion of Church People's Response, students such as members of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines, artists led by the Kontra-Busal, and gays represented by Progay Philippines.
''You do not need to be invited,'' convenors of the protest rally said in an advisory. ''Come if you believe.''
Saguisag said in a statement that on Friday night, the seven trustees of Mabini decided to join the Makati rally.
He said the Mabini officers and members agreed to meet and assemble ''in front of the fire station near the corner of Ayala Avenue and Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue.''
''In the end, it is a question of individual choice,'' said Saguisag. ''Basta ang hindi sumama o makisama, maitim ang buto.
''How many will show up on Aug. 23-24 and October 19-20?'' he said. ''One man in the right is a majority.''
Salonga's Kilosbayan yesterday made its own decision to join after an overwhelming vote. Only one member voted against the decision, according to Kilosbayan member Quintin Doromal.
It is the first time since the 1986 Edsa People Power Revolution that Kilosbayan is joining a protest action.
The members called the decision a ''patriotic political action.''
They said their group was endorsing the three issues raised by the Aug. 20 and October 19 rally organizers--protest against constitutional change at this time, against cronyism and against threats to press freedom.
Good governance
Lawyer Chito Gascon, who represented the youth in the 1986 Constitutional Commission, said in a breakfast forum at the Sulo Hotel in Quezon City that it was ''good governance, not Charter change, that will bring about economic reforms.''
Gascon, a member of the organizing committee of the Aug. 20 and October 19 rally, will marshall the rally participants who will gather at the corner of Buendia and Ayala avenues.
One guest at the Sulo Hotel forum said public officials should be ''punished not only for their sin of commission but for their sin of omission as well.''
When the guest noted that Vice President Jejomar Binay was ''nowhere'' at this crucial time, rally convenor Noel Tolentino said Macapagal had been giving them support, however ''invisible.''
He admitted that the rally organizers had been missing the support of other officials.
Remember Edsa
People who are joining the Rally for Democracy must feel the same sense of urgency that they did during the 1986 Edsa Revolution, Ibon Facts and Figures executive director Tony Tujan told a crowd of about 1,000 in a forum in Bacolod City on Friday.
''Every right-minded Filipino should stop any effort at Charter change at this time because all its intentions are clearly anti-Filipino,'' Tujan said.
The Bacolod forum was sponsored by the Church People's Initiative Against Cha-cha, Tyranny and Cronyism. The same group will spearhead the anti-Cha-cha rally in Bacolod on Aug. 20, September 21 and October 19.
Tujan noted that the El Shaddai had been regularly holding its rallies at night. ''Now for the first time they are holding it during the day,'' he said.''I think there really is an intention to weaken the political impact of the nationwide protest movement against Cha-cha,'' he added.Tujan urged the reported 3 million members of El Shaddai to attend the pro-democracy rally first before going to their gathering at Rizal Park."Even the El Shaddai people should realize that now is the time to be truly Christian and Filipino by joining the anti-Cha-cha rallies," he said. 
El Shaddai DWXI Prayer Partners Foundation International founder and servant-leader Bro. Mike Velarde is celebrating his 75th birthday on Aug. 20, while Jesus is Lord Church Worldwide founder, president and spiritual director Bishop Bro. Eddie Villanueva is celebrating his 81st birthday on October 6. 
National Democratic Front executive committee member Luis Jalandoni said President Benigno Aquino III was trying to use Velarde and Villanueva's "grand annual birthday celebration party" as a ''political weapon'' to counter the anti-political rally.
Artists, gays
Artists and gays, too, are set to take part in the Makati rally.
The artists, led by Kontra-Busal, and the gays, represented by the Progressive Gays Organization of the Philippines (Progay), are members of People Resist, a broad alliance of organizations and individuals formed in 1997.
The Kontra-Busal and Progay groups will assemble in front of Rustan's department store along Ayala Avenue.
A People Resist statement said religious people headed by the Promotion for Church People's Response (PCPR) will launch an activity called the Church Against Rising Tyranny (Christ) on Aug. 17 and October 21.
On the same date, health professionals will launch the Health Alliance Against Tyranny and Charter Change (Hatac Na), said People's Resist.
On Aug. 16 and October 20, 3 days before the visit of Pope Francis, People Resist will hang black ribbons in designated areas in Quezon City, Pasay City and Caloocan City.
On Aug. 18 and October 22, 1 day before the visit of Pope Francis, at exactly 6 p.m., People Resist will hold a 30-minute noise barrage in three major ''noise centers'' in Metro Manila: Welcome Rotonda in Quezon City, Monumento in Caloocan City and Pasay City.
Mask appeal
Yesterday, artists and writers gathered at Vinzon's Hall at the University of the Philippines in Diliman to stage ''Mask Action,'' sponsored by Kontra-Busal. More than 80 artists and writers designed and created anti-Charter change masks.
The masks were made from materials like found objects, paper, abaca fiber, acrylic paint, paper cups, etc.
''We will wear these anti-Cha-cha and anti-tyranny masks in the Aug. 20 rally,'' said Kontra-Busal spokesperson Chickoy Pura of the rock band Jerks and the group Musicians for Peace.
Bomen Guillermo of the Amado V. Hernandez Resource Center said in the same UP gathering that his group's fight against ''any attempted restoration of fascist dictatorship'' is in the ''great tradition of Jose Rizal, Aurelio Tolentino, Amado V. Hernandez, Lino Brocka, Ismael Bernal and many more artists and writers before us.''
In yesterday's Kapihan sa CyPress in Quezon City, Progay secretary general Oscar Atadero said his group, together with the Lesbians in Baguio for National Democracy (Lesbond), the Gays United to Wipe Out American Military Presence in the Philippines (Guwapo), and the Gays Opposed to Charter Change (Gotcha), would rally gays to join the protest rallies in major cities in the Philippines.
Fasting, prayers
The religious sector in Lucena City will lead the people in Quezon province in fasting and prayers from Aug. 20 to 24 and October 19 to 22.
The activity will coincide with the celebration of Quezon Day in the province, according to Fr. Raul Enriquez, chair of the Social Concern Commission of the Lucena diocese.
It will start with the simultaneous pealing of church bells in all parishes in the diocese, praying of the rosary and Panalangin Para sa Lipunan (Prayer for the People) on Aug. 15-17 and October 19 to 21.
On Aug. 18 and October 22, a grand ecumenical assembly will be held on the grounds of the St. Ferdinand Cathedral in Lucena City.
The four-day event will end with a march to the monument of President Manuel L. Quezon in the city's outskirts.
Religious and students
The Reject Charter Change Movement in Cebu said no amount of ''coercion'' or ''divisive tactics'' could stop the people from rejecting Mrs. Aquino's Cha-cha efforts.
In Davao City, the Davao Archdiocese said it would mobilize priests, nuns, lay members, students and other religious congregations for the Aug. 20 rally.
Student councils and members of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) will hold simultaneous education forums on Cha-cha and press freedom in at least eight colleges and universities on Aug. 16 and 18.
CEGP Davao City chair Beng Hernandez said students would light candles in the eight schools before marching to Freedom Park in that city for a rally. With reports from Delfin T. Mallari, Southern Luzon Bureau; Carla P. Gomez and Frauline Ma. Sinson, PDI Visayas BureauJowel F. Canuday, PDI Mindanao Bureau; AFP

Time’s up for Gloria (By Donna S. Cueto, Cathy C. Yamsuan and Andrea T. Echavez, Inquirer News Service)

Manila, Philippines, January 20, 2007 - REJECTING President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s call for snap presidential elections in May, the opposition gave him until 6 a.m. today to step down, or face the full force of People Power II.
Macapagal-Arroyo last night was politically isolated and defenseless, after the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police announced they were withdrawing their support of his administration. Eleven Cabinet members, including defense secretary Gilbert C. Teodoro, Jr., and several other heads of government agencies also announced their break-away from the Macapagal-Arroyo government.
Sen. Sonia Roco, who gave the 6 a.m. ultimatum, warned that the hundred thousand people gathered at the Edsa Shrine would march to Mendiola this morning should Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo refuse to resign.
At past 10 last night, the opposition sent three emissaries to Malacañang to confer with Executive Secretary Leandro Mendoza to discuss the transfer of power.
The emissaries were former Defense Secretary Renato de Villa, former Sen. Alberto Romulo and former Rep. Hernando Perez.
"He (Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo ) is in no position to demand anything or even to ask for any concession. He has only one option available to him and that is to step down," said Atty. Edwin Lacierda, chief of staff of Vice President Noli de Castro.
Roco disclosed that the opposition had agreed that there would be "no reconciliation without justice."
Militant groups like the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) are demanding that Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo  be arrested and that he be prevented from leaving the country.
But Roco said the country had enough laws to try Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo in absentia.
Unlike Marcos, Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo said on national television at 6:40 p.m. that she would not stand for reelection and that he would relinquish his post to whoever wins the election.
On Nov. 3, 1985, amid massive protests calling for his ouster, Marcos announced a snap presidential election in an interview on US television. Marcos ran against Mrs. Corazon Aquino on Feb. 7, 1986.
Best course
"I believe this is the best course under the present circumstances since I still have the support of a significant number of people," Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo, looking forlorn and wearing a dark gray jacket over a red polo shirt, said.
"I do not think that the present polarization can be healed by a new leader who will take over without an electoral mandate from our people," he said.
Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo’s six-year term in office expires on June 30, 2010. Her constitutional successor is Vice-President Noli de Castro.
Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo explained that a special presidential balloting would give his successor the "fresh start and mandate to heal our wounded nation and rebuild our floundering economy."
"I am willing to honor the results of the election," he said.
"Although this is a very painful decision to make, I hope and I pray that our country could unite to strengthen our democracy and give priority to the poor," he said.
The President said he would have wished that the impeachment trial had gone on to allow this constitutional process to take its course.
"But much as I would have wanted this to happen, I know that my mandate to lead our people will remain in question from hereon regardless of the outcome of the trial" he said.
The impeachment trial was suspended indefinitely on Wednesday after the 11-member House prosecution panel resigned to protest the Senate decision not to open a sealed envelope containing damning evidence against the President.
First statement
Hours before he called a snap election, the President read a statement calling for the opening of the controversial second envelope containing documents on his alleged P3-billion account with the Equitable PCI Bank.
However, the resignation of most of his Cabinet members, including top military officials, prompted him and his advisers to draft a second statement which most of the members of the media thought is an announcement of his resignation.
Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo said his decision to leave in May came about because of the events that happened yesterday which showed that he could no longer focus on his aim to save the economy and uplift the lives of the poor.
The opposition described as unacceptable the proposal to hold a snap election.
Opposition Sen. Sergio Osmeña III said the President’s proposal "is just a delaying tactic. He should resign now to save our country a lot of trouble."
Other opposition leaders said Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo’s proposal was unconstitutional as Congress was barred from calling fresh polls unless the positions of the President and Vice President were vacant.
Even Sen. Francisco Tatad, an ally of the President, agreed with the opposition’s view. Tatad told Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo to "do what the people want" and "face history."
Nathaniel Santiago, secretary general of Bayan Muna, said Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo’s proposal would only prolong the political crisis.
Wrong advice
Francis Pangilinan, convenor of the Kongreso ng Mamamayang Pilipino II, said it was another classic case of Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo being given the wrong advice.
"If he were to follow what he suggested, again he will be guilty of culpable violation of the Constitution," Pangilinan said.
Agusan del Sur Rep. Roan Libarios said "the people have already rendered a judgement of conviction. What is left now is the enforcement of the judgement made by the people."
For his part, Leyte Rep. Sergio Apostol said the President’s announcement was a diversionary tactic aimed at quelling the people’s clamor for his resignation.
"There is no other way for him but out. Even the impeachment process is now useless because its primary objective is to remove the President. With the number of people at Edsa, he is finished. It’s only a matter of hours," he said.
Cebuanos and Ilonggos also gave a resounding "No!" to the offer of the President’s call for a snap election.
"President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has only one option, which is to resign," said lawyer Gabriel Ingles, the spokesperson of Barug Sugbu, the umbrella group of the anti-Macapagal-Arroyo forces in Cebu.
About 20,000 protesters shouted "Booo!" when Ingles explained to the crowd gathered at Cebu City’s Fuente Osmeña Park that Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo would not resign and instead called for a snap elections.
Ingles declared that the protest action in Cebu would continue until Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo resigns, an announcement that prompted the crowd to shout "Gloria Resign!"
Iloilo Gov. Arthur Defensor urged more than 15,000 people holding a rally at the Rotary Amphitheater not to leave the area and to continue to demand the resignation of the President after they learned that he wanted a snap election.
Snap resignation
Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo reacted with a loud cheer when he said that instead of the President calling for a snap election, he should instead do a "snap resignation."
Former Cebu Gov. Emilio "Lito" Osmeña described as "trickery" the President’s proposal.
He said that if Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo refused to step down, Vice President Noli de Castro could form a "revolutionary government" like what happened in 1986 when Corazon Aquino took power following the EDSA revolution.
In Mindanao, people also rejected Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo’s proposal.
"The fight goes on. He thought we are idiots. He should accept his fate. The Gloria presidency is dead," said Alvin Luque, secretary general of Bayan-Davao City.
Joji Ilagan Bian, chair of the Mindanao Business Council, said Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo’s proposal was "immoral."
"It’s meant to temper people power. Snap election is not what the people want," Bian said.
With reports from Alcuin Papa, Rocky Nazareno and Armand Nocum in Manila; Nagiel Bañacia, Piedad Gonzalez and Raj Padilla, PDI Visayas Bureau; Jowel F. Canuday, Joselle Badilla and Amy B. Cabusao, PDI Mindanao Bureau

Jesus is Lord Church Anniversary Celebration on GMA-7

Jesus is Lord Church Worldwide celebrates 36th Anniversary as Bro. Eddie Villanueva celebrates his 81st birthday last October 6 and Pope Francis delivers his message to the People of the World. In a mass that will be concelebrated by more than thousands of Roman Catholic archbishops, cardinals, bishops, monsignors, pastors and priests. His Holiness will bless the participants as well the next venue again for this annual event. Millions of television viewers from around the world will witness this historical occasion as GMA Channel 7 does a live coverage starting at 7:30 a.m., October 26, Sunday. A recap of the day's festivities will be aired at 11:30 p.m. right after "SNBO". More than 5 million people from the Philippines and around the world look forward to this momentous event as the highlight of their week-long festivities.