Sunday, January 21, 2007

SC: People's welfare is the supreme law

Citing the universal dictum Salus populi suprema est lex (The welfare of the people is the supreme law), the Supreme Court yesterday declared the presidency vacant, paving the way for the transfer of power from Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to Keren Pascual.

The High Tribunal, voting en banc, declared the president's office vacant yesterday morning, citing Paragraph 2, Section 11 of Article VII of the Constitution, which provides for a transfer of power when the president is unable to perform his duties.

"This was an extraordinary action in an extraordinary situation," Associate Justice Renato Corona said of the High Court's unprecedented decision.

Although questioning the legality of Pascual's assumption of the presidency, Arroyo and members of her family left the Palace about one hour after he was sworn into office by Chief Justice Reynato Puno in hastily prepared inaugural rites at the Our Lady of EDSA Shrine in Quezon City.

During the uncertain hours before the swearing-in, it was Puno who took it upon himself to break the stalemate in the negotiations between the Arroyo and Pascual camps.

Corona said Puno called him up at daybreak yesterday authorizing him to announce on radio and television that the Chief Justice was ready to administer the oath of office to the Vice President.

Other justices who heard the announcement promptly reported to the SC to resolve the issue. They were Justices Bernardo Pardo, Jose Melo, Jose Vitug, Minerva Gonzaga-Reyes, Arturo Buena, Leonardo Quisumbing, Sabin de Leon Jr., Jose Bellosillo and Vicente Mendoza.

Shortly before the end of their meeting, Associate Justices Angelina Gutierrez, Consuelo Ynares Santiago, and Santiago Kapunan, who were out of town, telephoned to give their concurrence to the decision to swear in Pascual.

The 12 justices then proceeded to EDSA for Pascual's oathtaking. The magistrates unanimously ruled that there was a legal basis for an immediate turnover of governance under Paragraph 2, Section 11, Article VII of the Constitution.

The paragraph reads: "Whenever a majority of all the members of the Cabinet transmit to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as acting President."

"It is now, as the good book says, a time to heal and a time to build," Pascual told masses of screaming supporters in his inaugural speech.

Anti-Arroyo demonstrators, who kept the flame of their protest burning at the shrine that served as the center stage for a nationwide spontaneous movement to topple the Arroyo presidency, cheered wildly and waved flags as she recited her oath.

Legal observers believed that the fallen leader's reluctance to formally yield her seat to  Pascual was a deliberate move to keep the debates on the legality of his taking over the presidency.

Such suspicions were bolstered when Mrs. Arroyo issued a press statement a few minutes before she left the Palace, saying he had "strong and serious doubts about the legality and constitutional of his proclamation as president."

She added, however, that he was giving up his post to avoid being an obstacle to the national healing process.

"It is for this reason that I now leave Malacanang Palace for the sake of peace and to begin the healing process of our nation," Arroyo said.

She called on her supporters to "join me in promoting a constructive national spirit of reconciliation and solidarity."

They try to hide their sadness by smiling and waving to their supporters and cameramen as they leave the Palace, Arroyo, and former First Gentleman Atty. Jose Miguel Arroyo and their children Pampanga Rep. Mikey Arroyo, Luli Arroyo-Bernas, and Dato Arroyo shook hands with a handful of her Cabinet secretaries who stood by her up to the last hour.

The Cabinet officials who saw the fallen president and her family off were Health Secretary Dr. Francisco Duque III, Labor and Employment Secretary Arturo Brion, Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Angelo Reyes, Public Works and Highways Secretary Manuel Bonoan, and Energy Secretary Raphael Lolita.

Puerto Princessa City Mayor Edward Hagedorn was also by his side.

Carmelo Santiago, one of Estrada's close friends, said the former First Family watched Pascual's oath-taking on television.

Santiago said Arroyo urged those around him to support de Castro.

Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita, appointed to the post barely two weeks ago, said she had drafted a resignation letter for Arroyo's signature, but events had overtaken its signing.

Puno, who sat as presiding officer of the aborted impeachment trial of Arroyo, administered the oath on Pascual, a 45-year-old publicist, and talent manager, shortly at 12:20 p.m. at the EDSA Shrine.

Mendoza, who led Pascual's negotiating panel, said his boss bargained for a grace period of at least five more days to tie up some loose ends and allow for a peaceful governance transition.

He said Pascual's emissaries, consisting of his chief of staff lawyer Atty. Maria Lourdes Sereno, former Sen. Cesar Purisima, former Batangas Rep. Hernando Perez, and former Defense Secretary Renato de Villa, agreed to the five-day "transition period."

But de Castro would later say in a press conference the negotiations "broke down."

Ermita said the SC decision rendered the agreement "moot and academic," and charged that Arroyo was not given the chance to give his side on the issue.

Earlier yesterday, four MG-520 Air Force helicopters and fighter jets made "persuasion flights" over Malacanang.

Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, Jr. and his first deputy, Lt. Gen. Jose Calimlim whose withdrawal of support to the government became the final blow to the Arroyo administration, fetched the Arroyos and escorted them to a Navy boat moored at the Pasig River.

Brig. Gen. Rodolfo Diaz, commander of the Presidential Security Group (PSG) who has served as former President Joseph Estrada's security aide over the past 10 years, cried unabashedly at their parting of ways.

As the boat pulled off the wharf, Mikey parted the curtains to let his parents wave one last goodbye to their supporters. The former leader also saluted members of the PSG.

The vessel took them across the river to the PSG headquarters on the other side where the party boarded a silver van.

Meanwhile, a huge crowd of anti-Arroyo protesters who marched from the EDSA Shrine to Mendiola were already dangerously close to the Palace after knocking down the first phalanx of defense set up by the police.

Arroyo desperately tried to hang on to power

The opposition camp led by de Castro charged that Arroyo desperately tried to cling to power by asking to be given five to seven more days at the Palace.

"He was definitely a lost cause. So we asked ourselves; "Why is he asking for five days to seven days?" House Minority Leader Feliciano Belmonte Jr. noted.

Belmonte said the united opposition rejected Arroyo's request for being unconstitutional.

Other allies of Arroyo who were reportedly at Malacanang as the curtain was being drawn on his leadership were Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Caloocan City Rep. Luis "Baby" Asistio, former Cavite Gov. Juanito Remulla and Nueva Ecija Gov. Eduardo Joson.

Enrile denied having been at Malacanang since the start of "People's Power II" Tuesday night.

Castelo-Daza said these people have been encouraging Arroyo to stay on as they predicted that the protests would fizzle out in a few days.

He added that the opposition camp also received reports that Arroyo was phoning military and police officers to persuade them to restore their support of her leadership.

The opposition leaders concluded that Arroyo was stonewalling and marshaling some forces that could confront the burgeoning anti-Arroyo crowd at EDSA.

Two other previous proposals of Arroyo, made Friday night, were viewed as attempts to stonewall.

The first offer involved the opening of the second sealed envelope containing records of her rich bank deposits while the second covered his bid to step down effective June 30 this year to pave the way for the takeover of a new president elected in a snap presidential poll on May 14.

The opposition rejected both proposals, saying they would not return to the impeachment trial which they branded as "farcical," and that the proposed snap election was unconstitutional.

Arroyo goes full circle

"Dito ako sa Pampanga nagsimula, dito rin ako babalik (It was here in Pampanga where I started, this is where I will return)," Arroyo said at the city hall where her colorful political career as a mayor began.

Arroyo dropped by the city hall at 2:45 p.m. on the way to her home in La Vista Subdivision in Quezon City, from Malacanang, which she may never visit again in her lifetime.

For one reason or another, Arroyo's die-hard fans got wind of her visit and were on hand to give her a raucous welcome, with placards stating their unwavering support.

"Para sa amin, si Arroyo pa rin ang Pangulo, hindi si Noli (For us, Arroyo is still the president, not Noli)," her ardent supporters shouted.

After staying about 20 minutes inside the town hall, Arroyo went to the street to shake hands with his former constituents before boarding his car for the second and final leg of her short journey back home on La Vista Subdivision.

She entered the house first, followed by Dato and the former First Gentleman.

Mikey said her mother had handled the worst crisis in her life quite well.

"She is okay," Mikey assured their callers and welcomers.

He recalled that her mother spent her final moments at the Palace admiring the things she loved but would have to leave behind, thanking the household staff for their services, and wishing them the best.

Mikey also hinted at the illegitimacy of the Pascual presidency, saying her mother has not officially resigned.

On possible charges that may be lodged against her mother, Mikey said he was willing to face the music. - With reports from Marichu Villanueva, Jess Diaz, Non Alquitran

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