Monday, January 18, 2021

Duterte: No reopening even with franchise unless taxes paid

President Rodrigo Duterte served notice to a company that it could not return to business even if it gains a franchise from Congress without settling its tax dues.

“Maski na bigyan ninyo ng limang libong franchise ‘yan, hindi i-implement ‘yan… Just because you gave them franchise, it does not follow that all of their misdeeds in the past are condoned,” Duterte said Monday in his weekly Cabinet briefing.

"Did I not tell you noon, sinabi ko sa inyo itong gobyernong na ito para ito sa mahirap? Kita naman ninyo kung sino ang binibira ko, 'yun 'yung hindi bumabayad ng buwis and riding on its popularity... yet abandoning its duty to government.  And you ask protection from government for your business, in return you pay your taxes correctly," he added.

"For all I care,  you can have a 1,000 franchise, you will not see the light of day until you come to government with clean hands. Ika nga, he who comes to equity must come with clean hands. . . .Wala akong galit, bayaran mo lang ang gobyerno, sasaludo ako sa inyo limang beses," Duterte also said.

Duterte did not name the company, but in May 2020, the National Telecommunications Commission ordered ABS-CBN Corporation to stop operating its various TV and radio stations nationwide following the expiration of its legislative franchise.

In July, the House Committee on Legislative Franchises voted to deny the firm's franchise application due to alleged violations of its old franchise, including tax avoidance schemes. 

The House panel's decision came even as the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) in February 2020 set the record straight that  ABS-CBN has no outstanding tax liabilities.

The company has said it has paid a total of P70.5 billion in taxes in the past 17 years, making them one of the biggest taxpayers in the country.

It added that the BIR issued a Tax Clearance Certificate to them in 2019 and also named them one of the Top 200 Non-Individual Taxpayers in the country.

Duterte has repeatedly threatened to block the franchise renewal of the network early on his presidency, citing the various alleged frauds committed by the company.

Duterte's gripe against the network had to do with political advertisements during the 2016 election campaign which he said were paid for but did not air.

Last week, Senate President Vicente Sotto III moved for the franchise renewal of the network.

Filing Senate Bill No. 1967, Sotto sought to renew the franchise granted to ABS-CBN to construct, install, operate, and maintain television and radio broadcasting stations in the Philippines for another 25 years.—LDF, GMA News

How Honest Are You?

 Never pay back evil for evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honest clear through.  Romans 12:17, Living Bible

Your bank's cash machine has gone berserk, giving out 20's as if they were 5's, yet your receipt shows no sign of overpayment.  You immediately know that something is wrong.  You asked for a withdrawal of $100, but it gave you $400.  What do you do?  Would you  a) Use the emergency telephone to alert the bank.  b) Take the money and run,  or c) Call your friends and tell them to get back there too, as you go to the end of the line for a second run at the machine yourself?

If you chose the first option, you are in a decided minority judging from an unintentional experiment in ethics which took place at a Manhattan bank branch.  You see a careless employee loaded a canister of $20 bills into the slot for $5 bills which meant that it paid off better than the lottery‑‑at least for a short while.

Although the cash‑machine panel had a 24‑hour telephone for reporting problems outside of bank hours, the bank received only one call, two at the most, according to bank spokesman, Robert Nolan.  Instead, a long line of eager cash seekers formed at the machine.  "I called everybody I knew," said one man who chose not to give his name for fear of prosecution.

Surely no Christians stood in that line.  Certainly, no one could have been to worship earlier on that Sunday and stood there ripping off the bank later that afternoon.  Or could there have been? Is it possible that some who were born‑again Christians ignored any fleeting thoughts about honesty and integrity, and scooped up the cash and ran with it?

How deep does the Christian commitment to ethics and honesty go when there is something to be had for nothing, or apparently so?

A survey found that there is little difference in the behavior of born‑again Christians before and after their conversion experiences.  As reported by a Christian news agency, "...the study found that behavior in each of three major categories‑‑use of illegal drugs, driving while intoxicated, and marital infidelity‑‑actually deteriorated after the born‑again experience for many people."  A spokesman for the survey said, "We've reached a point where there is little or no correlation between what we say and what we do.  Accountability is lacking, confrontation is lacking, and we are `marketing' salvation in such a way that discipleship is simply not occurring."

Long ago, when Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he penned some strong words as he said, "He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need" (Ephesians 4:28).  From what Paul wrote, it was obvious that those who had placed their faith in Jesus Christ hadn't been much concerned about honesty, but Paul had to remind them that their commitment to Jesus Christ carried with it a commitment to honesty as well.

Before we are too hard on those who stood in the line to get a pay‑off at a ratio of 4 to 1, perhaps it would be wise to ask, "Do you tell the grocery clerk who gives you too much change?  Or do you think, `If she's dumb enough to give me back too much money, that's her tough luck‑‑not mine!'"?  Is honesty a commitment or a comment?

In case you are wondering if they got away with it, the answer is No!  The bank said that they would be able to tell who withdrew money and would automatically charge their accounts, but what struck me as being strange is that of the dozens if not hundreds who stood in line to rip off the bank, no more than two felt any responsibility for taking what they knew did not belong to them and had no right to take.  Well, did Scripture say long ago, "Be sure your sin will find you out."  Times really haven't changed.

Resource reading: Romans 12:1-17.

Santos-Recto cites ABS-CBN's commitment to deliver quality shows in filing franchise bill

ABS-CBN continues to deliver quality shows to the Filipino audience even as social media has become popular, Batangas 6th District Rep. Vilma Santos-Recto said in the bill she filed early this month seeking to grant the network a new 25-year broadcast franchise.

"Despite the growing popularity of social media, television still remains as a preferred mass medium in our province and other far-flung areas," Santos-Recto said in the explanatory note of her House Bill No. 8298.

"ABS-CBN has remained steadfast in its commitment to reach out to as many Filipinos as possible by delivering their quality core program closer to our countrymen by taking advantage of emerging broadcast technologies," she added.

The bill was filed last Jan. 5, but its copy was only released to the media on Monday.

Santos-Recto, an award-winning actress, was in favor of granting ABS-CBN a new franchise when the House Committee on Legislative Franchises tackled bills for it last year. Seventy lawmakers outnumbered those who were in favor.

On Jan. 4, Sen. Vicente Sotto III filed a similar proposal, Senate Bill No. 196, in the Senate.

Reacting to Sotto's measure, Santos-Recto said then she will replicate the move in a bid to rebuild the economy.

"Through this bill, we will be creating jobs (so many people do not have jobs today) and help promote healthy competition among the networks. Most importantly, 'di mapagkakaila ang far reach ng ABS-CBN in the regions during calamities," she said in a statement at that time.

The Constitution requires that franchise bills must originate from the House of Representatives.

Before the denial in July last year of ABS-CBN's new franchise application, President Rodrigo Duterte repeatedly threatened to shut down the network for supposedly failing to air some of his presidential campaign advertisements in 2016 and accommodating one that was critical of him and was paid for by his critic, former Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV.

He had also urged the network's executives to just sell ABS-CBN's assets to other businessmen.

ABS-CBN's previous franchise expired on May 4 even as bills seeking to grant it a new 25-year license to broadcast have been filed at the House of Representatives as early as 2014.

During the franchise bill hearings last year, relevant government agencies cleared ABS-CBN of alleged irregularities and delinquencies.

Aside from affecting the livelihood of the company's more than 11,000 workers amid a bruised economy caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the shutdown of ABS-CBN is also seen by various sectors as curtailment of the people's right to information, as well as of press freedom. is the official news website of ABS-CBN Corp.

Coronavirus infection of 7 employees shutters NBI Bacolod office

BACOLOD CITY—The National Bureau of Investigation office in the city was closed to the public this week after seven of its employees tested positive for SARS Cov2, the virus that causes novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Renoir Baldovino, NBI Bacolod chief, said all seven NBI employees had already been sent to a quarantine facility.

The Bacolod Inter-Agency Task Force advised the NBI to close its office for a week for disinfection and contact tracing.

The NBI Bacolod office will reopen on Jan. 25.

In La Carlota City, Mayor Rex Jalando-on ordered government employees to return to a five-day work week, ending work-from-home arrangements and deactivating skeletal work forces.

All city government employees were required to report for work but observe COVID-19 protocols like social distancing and wearing face masks and shields.

Duterte ‘delighted’ with P5-K commemorative Lapu-Lapu banknote

 By Azer Parrocha

President Rodrigo Duterte is “delighted” over the launch Monday of the PHP5,000 Lapu-Lapu commemorative banknote and medal in honor of the 500th anniversary of Lapu-Lapu’s victory in the Battle of Mactan.

In a taped message broadcasted during the launch, Duterte said he was greatly pleased with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and National Quincentennial Committee collaboration for the design of the banknote to celebrate the heroism of Lapu-Lapu and his warriors.

“I am delighted to see Lapu-Lapu and the warriors of Mactan as well as the majestic Mt. Apo and the great Philippine eagle being featured in these commemorative items,” he said.

Duterte, who has mentioned Lapu-Lapu in his speeches several times, emphasized the need to “elevate” the hero’s standing among other Filipino heroes.

“Indeed, if we are to apply to truly celebrate our rich history as a nation, we need to elevate Lapu-Lapu to a greater standing among the pantheon of Filipino heroes. We therefore dedicate this bank note and this medal to his historical victory in Mactan 500 years ago,” he said.

He also expressed hope that the 500th anniversary of the Victory in Mactan would inspire Filipinos to embrace national identity.

“May this momentous occasion inspire every Filipino to embrace our national identity by embodying Lapu-Lapu’s heroism as we face the challenges ahead,” he added.

Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea received a commemorative banknote and medal on behalf of Duterte.

BSP Deputy Governor Francisco Dakila said the bank note includes an image of Lapu-Lapu on its front, a Philippine Eagle on its back, and the usual security features of other peso bank notes.

It also shows a Filipino warship called Karaoka, a coconut tree, and Mount Apo.

Meanwhile, the commemorative medal features the Lapu-Lapu shrine in Cebu on its front and the battle of Mactan and the date "27 April, 1521" on its back.

The PHP5,000 Lapu-Lapu commemorative banknote and medal are for commemorative purposes only and cannot be used to buy items.

Lapu-Lapu, a datu of Mactan, led Filipinos to victory against Spanish invaders led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan.

The Battle of Mactan is celebrated every year on April 27 to remember the bravery and victory of the first Filipino hero.

House leader files bill renewing ABS-CBN franchise

 By Filane Mikee Cervantes

Deputy Speaker Vilma Santos-Recto has filed a bill that would give broadcast giant ABS-CBN Corp. a fresh 25-year legislative franchise.

Santos filed on Jan. 5 House Bill No. 8298 seeking to renew for another 25 years ABS-CBN’s legislative franchise. A copy of the bill was obtained by the media on Monday after its first reading during the plenary session.

In her explanatory note, Santos said ABS-CBN is the country's largest entertainment and media conglomerate in terms of revenue, operating income, net income, assets, equity, market capitalization, and number of employees.

She argued that the network's franchise should be renewed considering that television still remains as a "preferred mass medium in provinces and other far-flung areas despite the growing popularity of social media.

"ABS-CBN has remained steadfast in its commitment to reach out to as many Filipinos as possible by delivering their quality core programs closer to our countrymen by taking advantage of emerging broadcast technologies," she said.

To recall, Congress was unable to renew the network’s congressional franchise before its expiration date on May 4, 2020.

ABS-CBN, upon the directive of the National Telecommunications Commission’s (NTC) shutdown order, ceased its broadcast operations on May 5, 2020.

In July last year, the House Committee on Legislative Franchises approved – by a 70-11 vote, with one abstention – the resolution denying the franchise application of the network to construct, install, establish, operate, and maintain radio and broadcasting stations in the Philippines. Two other lawmakers inhibited from voting.

The previous House hearings have exhaustively discussed the network’s franchise issues, including the citizenship of ABS-CBN chair emeritus Gabby Lopez; the possible violation of the constitutional limits on foreign ownership; reported labor and tax violations; and other violations of the terms of its legislative franchise.

The NTC on June 30, 2020 also issued two cease and desist orders, directing ABS-CBN to halt the operation of its digital television transmission using Amcara Broadcasting Corp.’s Channel 43 and the direct-to-home satellite transmission of its cable firm, Sky Cable Corp.

Once again, Vilma Santos-Recto files bill renewing ABS-CBN’s 25-year franchise

Months after ABS-CBN’s franchise bid was denied in the House of Representatives, Deputy Speaker Vilma Santos-Recto once again filed a bill renewing the network’s 25-year franchise.

Santos-Recto, who has been a vocal supporter of ABS-CBN, filed House Bill No. 8298 last January 5—a copy of which was obtained by media on Monday.

In filing the bill, Santos-Recto said that ABS-CBN is “the Philippines’ largest entertainment and media conglomerate in terms of revenue, operating income, net income, assets, equity, market capitalization, and the number of employees.”

“Despite the growing popularity of social media, television still remains as a preferred mass medium in our provinces and far-flung areas,” Santos-Recto said.

“ABS-CBN has remained steadfast in its commitment to reach out to as many Filipinos as possible by delivering their quality core programs closer to our countrymen by taking advantage of emerging broadcast technologies,” she added.

Santos-Recto’s bill came after Senate President Vicente Sotto III filed Senate Bill No. 1967, which seeks to revive the broadcasting giant’s franchise.

Even if Sotto has filed a bill granting ABS-CBN a new franchise in the Senate, a similar measure must be approved first in the House.

Under the 1987 Constitution, private bills—such as the granting and renewal of franchises—“shall originate exclusively” from the House. This means that the House has to approve ABS-CBN’s franchise bid first before the Senate can make any significant progress on the matter.

Withdraw initial bills first?

But Rep. Michael Defensor, who serves as the vice-chairman of the House committee on legislative franchises, earlier said that the easiest solution to start ABS-CBN’s franchise bid once again in the House would be for authors to withdraw their initially denied bills to make way for the refiling of new ones.

Defensor explained that ABS-CBN’s franchise remains an “unfinished business” in the lower chamber even as 70 lawmakers already voted against granting the network a franchise to operate in July 2020.

Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker Jose Atienza, Jr., a supporter of ABS-CBN, earlier said he is eyeing to move to reconsider the decision on the media giant’s franchise bid.

According to Atienza, Congress could take action by bringing the issue to the plenary floor.

Vilma Santos files bill for renewed ABS-CBN franchise

Months after a House panel voted to kill the franchise application of broadcast giant ABS-CBN Corp., both chambers of Congress now have pending legislation pushing for a fresh legislative franchise for the company to go back on air.

As the House returned from a legislative break on Monday afternoon, Rep. Vilma Santos-Recto (Batangas, 6th District) filed House Bill No. 8298 to renew the franchise granted to embattled media network ABS-CBN Corp. 

The country would keep GMA will be the sole private broadcaster.

This marks the second such bill filed in either chamber of Congress after Senate President Vicente Sotto III filed Senate Bill No. 1967 or "An act renewing the franchise granted to ABS-CBN Corp."

Filed bills have to be referred to a committee, which will calendar it for hearings.

To recall, 70 lawmakers voted to approve the recommendation by the House committee on legislative franchises to deny the company a fresh franchise for the next 25 years, despite no cases being proven against the company.

At the time, Recto, who also serves as House deputy speaker, was quoted as saying at one of the company's protracted hearings: "With the present situation of ABS-CBN, I am sad that 11,000 employees may be displaced. As a part of the entertainment industry, I share the sentiments of the talents of ABS-CBN." 

The House solon was among the 11 congressmen who voted in favor of the network versus the 70 solons who voted not to give ABS-CBN another franchise. 

Numerous government agencies also threw their support behind ABS-CBN, saying it complied with labor, tax, and immigration rules. 

"News, current events and programs can be shown and aired in real time that makes the viewers feel more updated and in the know - regardless of their location - and actions can be made quickly when important news is broadcasted," Sotto—who earlier opted to abstain from the higher chamber’s resolution asking the National Telecommunications Commission to recall its cease-and-desist order against the embattled network—wrote in his bill. 

Throughout his administration, President Rodrigo Duterte has made it clear that he has an ax to grind with critical media.

Both Duterte and then-House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano have said they have personal grievances with the broadcast giant, with the former once saying that if it were up to him, the company's franchise would not be renewed. 

The franchise, as it turned out, was not.

Congress sessions resume; CREATE, Amla among top priority

LAWMAKERS resume sessions today (January 18), with both the House of Representatives and the Senate vowing to push two key bills—Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) and amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering Act (Amla) of 2001—to their logical end, as these are reforms long sought by the Executive.

House Majority Leader Martin G. Romualdez on Sunday said the lower chamber, under the leadership of Speaker Lord Allan Velasco, will continue to work double time in passing the Duterte administration’s legislative agenda, including economic reforms that would help government in its Covid-19 response.

Romualdez, chairman of the House Committee on Rules, said the House leadership will work on the immediate approval of the CREATE, which is now in bicameral conference deliberations; and amendments to Republic Act 9160 or Amla.

“These [CREATE and Amla amendments] are administration measures which the Department of Finance classified as vital for our economic recovery program. We are going to harmonize immediately the differences between the Senate and the House versions during the bicameral conferences,” said Romualdez.

“Once enacted into law, the CREATE bill will definitely provide businesses, particularly micro-, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), with one of the largest economic stimulus measures in the country’s history to help them recover from the economic turmoil caused by the Covid-19 pandemic,” he added.

Coco trust fund, land titles

According to Majority Leader Zubiri, who chairs the Committee on Rules, the Senate’s legislative priority will focus on the ratification of the bicameral committee reports on CREATE, Coco Farmers Trust fund as well as the Confirmation of Imperfect Land Titles.

“We will also approve on third reading the amendments to the AMLA,” he said, adding: “Moreover, we will push for the measures that have been approved on third reading but have no approved counterpart from the House of Representatives, such as: establishment of separate prison facilities for heinous crimes convicts; protecting children by prohibiting and declaring child marriage as illegal; creating a National Transportation Safety Board; establishing the Philippine Energy Reasearch and Policy Institute; Authorizing the Department Of Agriculture to use the annual tariff revenues in excess of P10 billion under RA 11203 for direct cash aid to farmers owning 1 hectare or less of rice land until 2024.

Zubiri added, “We will also start the discussions and debates on the amendments to Retail Trade Liberalization Act;  increasing the age of Statutory Rape;  amendments to the Public Services Act; creation of the Department of OFWs; E-governance Act; Military and uniformed Personnel Services Separation, Retirement and Pension Act; Expanded Solo Parents Act, and Internet Transactions Act.


House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Joey Sarte Salceda said the bicameral conference committee on CREATE will reconcile the Senate and House versions of the bill this month.

Romualdez said the Amla amendments needs to be passed before February for the Philippines to avoid inclusion in the Financial Action Task Force’s so-called gray list.

House Bill 7904, seeking to amend the Anti-Money Laundering Law of 2001, as amended, will protect and preserve the integrity and confidentiality of bank accounts and ensure that the Philippines shall not be used as a money laundering site for the proceeds of any unlawful activity.

“We need all these laws if we are to bounce back from the economic ravages caused by the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

CREATE is now pending in the bicameral conference committee while Amla amendments were approved by the House on third and final reading last December, and are up for third reading approval in the Senate.

SONA bills

Also, Romualdez said the House is scheduled to approve on third and final reading the expanded Solo Parents law, which is part of President Duterte’s State of the Nation Address’ (Sona) priority measures.

Romualdez said the House already transmitted to the Senate the following Sona priority measures: HB 00304 or the Passive Income and Financial Intermediary Taxation (PIFITA) Act; HB 04664 or the Real Property Valuation Assessment; HB 06134 or Mandating Banking Institutions to Strengthen the Financing System for Agricultural, Fisheries and Rural Development in the Philippines; HB 78 or the Public Service Act Amendments; HB 05832 or the Department of Filipinos Overseas and Foreign Employment (DFOFE) Act; HB 05989 or the Department of Disaster Resilience (DDR); HB 07406 or the Bureau of Fire Protection Modernization Act; and HB 07805 or the Internet Transaction Act/E Commerce Law.