House minority leader says ABS-CBN can reapply for franchise next year

When can ABS-CBN should re-apply for franchise renewal?

Minority leader and Abang-Lingkod party-list Rep. Joseph Stephen Paduano said in a recent virtual press briefing that the television and radio giant can only file for franchise renewal in 2021, since it was only this year that the House Committee on Legislative Franchises held a series of hearings on the matter.

“Ako personally (For me personally), ABS-CBN has all the time to file its renewal one year after. Kasi (Because) under our rules, they can file it again one year after,” Paduano said.

Last July 10, the Legislative Franchises panel chaired by Palawan Rep. Franz Alvarez voted 70-11-1 (yes-no-abstain) to reject ABS-CBN’s franchise application, which several House members had filed in behalf of the beleaguered network.

This is the standard practice when it comes to franchises. The Lopez-owned network’s erstwhile 25-year operating franchise expired last May 5.

However, there is also an opinion that the congressmen can re-file for the franchise renewal at any time in the current 18th Congress, since a franchise renewal bill is treated just like any other measure filed in the House.“As far as I know, there’s no prohibition on the filing or re-filing of bills that are not favorably acted upon by a committee,” a House member who requested anonymity said.

“Just like any other bill that doesn’t become a law for whatever reason – like it was vetoed, was approved by one chamber but wasn’t by the other chamber, it didn’t reach third reading, or it wasn’t acted upon by a committee – it could be filed again,” he added.

However, he noted that the timing for the re-filing isn’t as important as the practically of re-filing. “The committee that tacked your bill would basically have the same composition as before. You’re talking to the same people, so there’s no certainty of a different result,” he said.

It is rare for the Legislative Franchises panel to hear an application and reject it in the end. But then there was immense pressure from the public to hear ABS-CBN’s case, being a network popular in both its brand of programs and public service.

The recent leadership change in the House of Representatives provides an interesting dynamic to ABS-CBN’s franchise application, since Speaker Lord Allan Velasco may or may not choose to change the existing committee chairmanships. Solons would find it more sensible to re-file the franchise renewal bill if and when the Legislative Franchises panel gets revamped.

Incidentally, Velasco’s office has reportedly commenced an “evaluation” of the performance of the committee chairmen to coincide with the break in the legislative calendar. Congressmen won’t reconvene until Nov. 16.

Marinduque Rep. Velasco took over the helm from Taguig-Pateros Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano last week. Cayetano served as Speaker for 15 months.

When Culture Conflicts With Faith

 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.  Joshua 24:15

When you don't in a world that generally does, you stand out like a sore thumb!  In other words, when almost everybody cheats, and you don't, you are penalized.  When almost everybody lies to get ahead, and you feel compelled to tell the truth, you are at a distinct disadvantage.  When almost everybody uses company time for their own personal business or pleasure and you don't, you are thought strange or even stupid.

What makes you feel compelled to tell the truth, to sleep only with your husband, to give your employer a full eight hour day, and not to use the Internet to do your shopping or kill time?  Integrity, honesty, honor, and work ethics are offshoots of your personal faith.  You have some old-fashioned ideas that breed a sense of responsibility, and this makes you different and often leaves you feeling isolated, lonely, and completely out-of-synch with life today.  Right?

If I have described where you are, then stand tall and realize you are not alone, and that you may march to the beat of a different drummer, but your head can press your pillow at night as you say, "God, I did Your will today, and no matter how tough it was, I know I did the right thing."

Those who have stood against the trends of their day always were in a minority whether they confronted a Caesar and refused to offer a pinch of incense and say, "Caesar is Lord," or couldn't look the other way when the company was being constantly cheated by a dishonest employee.

Long ago William Shakespeare said, "To thine own self be true, and it shall follow as the day the night, thou canst not then be false to any man."  But a far greater than Shakespeare stood against the trends of His day and the power structure of corruption and paid the price of being nailed to a Roman cross.           Frankly, there is always a price to pay for distancing yourself from the corruption of the culture which surrounds you, whether it is an Athanasius who stood against the religious establishment of his day, or a Luther who voiced his dissent at practices which had corrupted the church, or the mother who stands before the school board and says, "My son's teacher is using language which is more fitting of a drunken sailor than a teacher of children."

One of those who walked with Jesus, John, put it like this: "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15).  The more corrupt our culture, the more you will stand out in contrast when you abide by your convictions, yet the more secure will be those who sleep in your home, who look to you for strength and guidance, and who will follow in your footsteps.

Deciding ahead of time which side you will come down on makes the moment of decision a lot easier.  You don't have to think about it. You already know what you are doing and then do it regardless of the consequences.

Morality, honesty, and decency are not issues which you decide in measures.  The man who cheats on his wife only two percent of the time is still immoral.  The college student who cheats only occasionally is still dishonest.  You are never only partly moral or 87 percent honest.  You either decide that you are committed to doing what is right or find yourself constantly torn between your convictions which you can't abandon and pleasing your culture.

Long ago Joshua drew a line and stepped across it.  He said, "But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD" (Joshua 24:15).  And when you say that, the issue is settled.

Resource reading: Joshua 24:1-33