Sunset Glow

Sunset Red, the only senior special program of China Central Television, was launched on October 11, 1993, Beijing time. The program has been loved by the elderly since its inception, and it is now one of the most important columns of CCTV. 

The column is now scheduled to be broadcast on the Social and Law Channel of China Central Television. The broadcast time is 8:25 and 16:25 Beijing time every day. It has been broadcast on CCTV 1, 2, 4, and 10 programs. In Hong Kong, ATV Home once broadcasted the Cantonese version of this program.


In October 1993, the "Sunset Red" column was launched. In the year it was launched, China had entered a society with an aging population for six years. At that time, the co-founders of the Science and Education Department of the Social Education Center of CCTV and the "Management World" magazine of the Development Research Center of the State Council of the People's Republic of China learned about the aging of the population in China, and the "Sunset Red" column was officially born. The broadcast will be broadcast on CCTV-2 and CCTV-4 

On December 7, 2010, "Sunset Red" was suspended, and the original program time slot was replaced by "Life Early Reference". On June 27, 2011, the broadcast of "Red Sunset" resumed, and the broadcast platform was transferred from CCTV-1 to CCTV-10. The broadcast time was 7:00 from Monday to Friday. The host was replaced by two young beautiful anchor. [5]

On September 30, 2013, "Sunset Red" was transferred to the Social and Law Channel of China Central Television, and the content of the program was changed to tell stories about the elderly. [1]


  • Huang Wei (current)
  • Chen Zhifeng
  • Zhang Yue
  • Shen Li


At present, this column is a column telling stories about the elderly. The following are the links that have appeared in the program:

  • "Follow the Sunset"
  • "I wish you good health"
  • "Not Old People"
  • "New Window of Life"
  • "Walk the Four Directions Smartly"
  • "Meet the Red Sunset"
  • "Grandpa and grandma use their brains"
  • "Happy Gathering at Sunset"
  • "Calligraphy and Painting Class"

theme song

Song title "Red Sunset"

Lyricist: Qiao Yu

Composer: Zhang Piji

Singing: Tong Tiexin

The most beautiful but red sunset

Warm and calm.

The sunset is a late flower

The sunset is old wine.

Sunset is late love

The sunset is the unending love.

How much love

It turned into a sunset red.


Logo used from October 11, 1993 to December 31, 1995

Logo used from January 1, 1996 to October 16, 2000

Logo used from October 17, 2000 to 2002

Wendy's Fried Chicken


The Wendy's Fried Chicken pieces names are: drumstick, rib, keel, wing, thigh

ISOC Holdings still keen on property expansion, cites sector’s resilience

By Denise A. Valdez, Senior Reporter

ISOC HOLDINGS, Inc. is bullish to expand its property portfolio in the coming years as it looks at the capital market as a viable investment tool in the future.

The holding firm of businessman Michael C. Cosiquien, co-founder of listed Megawide Construction Corp., said it launched two real estate projects this year despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Before the year ends and through the coming years, it looks to launch more commercial and residential projects in Metro Manila, and an integrated resort in Clark, Pampanga.

“The real estate industry is probably one of the most resilient sectors given that despite the pandemic, the industry remains to be stable,” Mr. Cosiquien, chairman of ISOC Holdings, told BusinessWorld via e-mail.

To support this growth, the company is studying possibilities for fundraising through an initial public offering (IPO) or a real estate investment trust (REIT) IPO.

“We want to establish a strong and consistent track record of sustainability that will satisfy, if not delight, our home owners. Doing an IPO or a REIT listing is a consideration in our long-term plan,” Mr. Cosiquien said.

ISOC Holdings, through I-Land, Inc., has two commercial properties, a residential property and a seven-hectare master-planned complex in Clark, Pampanga in its portfolio.

This year, it launched I-Land Bay Plaza in Pasay City and I-Land Residences Sucat in ParaƱaque City. I-Land Bay Plaza is already 50% leased out and is scheduled to be topped off next month. I-Land Residences is recording “very good” sales take-up, with all its one-bedroom units sold out.

“That’s why we are planning to launch Tower 2 of Sucat soon with more one-bedroom units,” Mr. Cosiquien said.

In the years ahead, the company plans to launch new residential and commercial projects in Quezon City, Pasig City, Makati City, and Taguig City. “We want to be able to satisfy our future homeowners and create a long term partnership and loyal following,” Mr. Cosiquien said.

Aside from real estate, ISOC Holdings also has interests in cold chain solutions, energy, and infrastructure businesses.

How Do I Reconnect With God?

 If we believe not, yet he abides faithful: he cannot deny himself. 2 Timothy 2:13, NKJV

How does a person restore a connection with God?  That was the question posed by a friend of Guidelines.  She struggled in even writing the letter, saying that four years ago she had written asking the same question but never mailed the letter.  Now a little girl, three years of age, is asking questions about God, and all of this triggers feelings of remorse and regret.

Like so many who have drifted away from the warmth of the Father's love, this young woman sustained a loss, a big one too.  Her brother was brutally murdered, and when this happened her heart cried out, "God, why did you let this happen?  Where were you when my brother needed your help?"

Scores of people have been there.  Yes, they know that if God undertook every time that one of His children was in need, everybody would want to line up on God's side, just to avoid the pain and disappointment of living in a broken world.  I'm thinking of a cartoon that shows a crusader standing over a pagan, his sword resting on the neck of the subdued person, who, looking up says, "Tell me more about your new religion. I'm terribly interested!"  Hey, that's the way it would be with the whole world, if we who are Christians always came out on top.

People who once connected with God know that the Bible is full of stories about individuals who were godly people who were mistreated and suffered without cause.  Daniel was thrown to the lions.  Jeremiah was cast into a slime pit and left to die.  Elijah lived in exile with a price on his head.  David had to hide out for seven years as Saul sought to kill him.

Down in their hearts people who blame God for what happens know that God isn't the one who caused the problem. They simply have turned and walked away because He didn't reverse the tide of evil or the wickedness which broke the tranquility and order of their lives.

Then a little child begins asking about God, or a friend lies at the point of death, or in the darkness of their souls they begin thinking about how it used to be, how at one time the joy of the Lord was real and when they prayed, the presence of God seemed so close and meaningful.

Here's the question: How do you restore the broken connection with God?  Just asking the question, facing the issue, means you recognize the deep longing in your heart to connect with God.

When David realized that the affair with Bathsheba had broken his connection with God, he prayed, pouring out his heart and honestly telling God how he felt.  Psalm 51 records this.  That's your first step.  Realize that God is far more desirous of embracing you and drawing you to Himself than you are to have Him do this.

Gently remind yourself that it was not God who moved.  You did.  So, come back.  Paul wrote Timothy, saying, "Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us, for he cannot disown us who are part of himself, and he will always carry out his promises to us" (2 Timothy 2:13, Living Bible).

Paul is saying that God's nature is that of faithfulness.  His love is unchanging, and His desire to have fellowship with you hasn't lessened in spite of your detour from His presence.

Finally, draw a line and step across it.  Say, "As for the past, I leave it behind.  I choose to walk with the Lord.  Get back to church, and dust off your Bible and start reading it.  Underline it, memorize it and realize it's God's love letter to you personally.

It's time to restore a broken connection.

Resource reading: Psalm 51:1-19

The Secret To Daily Renewal

 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  2 Corinthians 4:17-18

Do you live in a part of the world where the trees lose their leaves in the fall? Strangely, they become their most brilliant, with leaves of red, orange, gold, and brown right before the cold freeze of winter arrives, stripping the leaves and leaving barren branches.  Yet when spring follows winter, there is hope for renewal, and as the warmth of a spring sun gradually drives back the frost of winter, there is the expectation that new life is here, that there is hope.

When everything is the same all the time there is weariness to the landscape--whether it is driving rain or blazing sun, or even life itself.  Perhaps you're feeling like the man who admitted, "I'm not growing any more.  I start my day about 5 A.M., work hard all day, my laptop and phone follow me home and then I work most evenings.  When I read my Bible, I'm so tired that nothing makes sense."   No wonder he isn't growing!  Speaking of tired, maybe you're a mother of young children on a 24/7/365 schedule and locking yourself in the bathroom might be your only hope for a moment of quiet.

We all need renewal, but the question is, how do we find it?  How do we keep ourselves alive spiritually?  A few quiet moments alone is good for anyone facing the stress of meeting deadlines and caring for others, but you've probably realized that you don't find time for renewal; you have to take it.  This means prioritizing your life and schedule.  Often, rising 30 minutes earlier than you normally would and having those few quiet moments with Jesus is the key to personal renewal.

But no matter how early you get up--whether it is 6:00 a.m. or 4:30 a.m.—you'll inevitably find things that need immediate attention.  It is amazing how sharp your recall is when it's time to open God's Word and hear from God.   All kinds of important things that you've forgotten will suddenly scream for your attention.

Here's a suggestion:  First prioritize and protect a few minutes each day--preferably at the beginning of your day--which is your time for renewal.  Then concentrate.  The best thing your eyes can land on when you first open them in the morning is God's Word.  Reading your Bible gives you the perspective and encouragement you are guaranteed to need in your coming day.  Romans 15:4 speaks of the "encouragement of the Scriptures" which gives hope.  When your hope doesn't come from God, there isn't much to bring encouragement.  It's looking upward that makes a difference.

The famous preacher, Charles, Spurgeon, said, "A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't." But it's not just reading the Bible that renews you.  The important thing is hearing from God--not simply reading five chapters or ten minutes, whichever comes first.  Some people read through the Bible every year—that's admirable.  However, it is better to read even a chapter or a verse with understanding than plowing through pages without meaning. If you are having trouble concentrating, then read out loud, a single word at a time, or read with a pen and underline important thoughts.

Then take a moment to think about how what you've read informs your life.  This means application, making course corrections.  Sometimes it's helpful to write the thoughts that come to you in a notebook or on an app.

Finally, pray, letting God know where you are in your life, asking His help in situations you cannot change, and asking Him to use you to touch the lives of those around you. Without daily renewal, life becomes a barren wasteland and depression is just around the corner.  Renew and refresh today.

Resource reading: Romans 15:1-13